Appy Mums (and how to reach them)
Millennials have recently become one of the largest social demographics in the world – overtaking baby boomers – and are expected to make up half the global workforce by 2020.
Women aged 18-34 now make up the majority (75%) of new mums. Having grown up online, this audience is very familiar with rapidly evolving forms of technology and communication, and is constantly connected to an increasing number of devices. Like many in their peer group, they are also concerned with authenticity and social responsibility and tend to engage more with brands who share the same values. When online, millennial mums spend most of their time in their favourite Apps so brands are falling over themselves to engage with this audience in this environment.
You can understand why. This significant audience segment offers huge opportunities to marketers and their products and services, but why exactly are millennial mums so appealing to brands and what considerations should they make when thinking about how to reach them?
Importantly, this audience is at a point in their lives where money will generally become more scarce (certainly from my experience!), but providing the best for their offspring is still of extreme importance to most new parents and any disposable income is usually prioritised for goods and products relating to baby.
It’s important for marketers to understand how a woman’s purchasing habits change once she becomes a mum. Having a baby is a huge change for any parent and, while shopping does tend to become less important than other pursuits (like sleeping and functioning), recent BabyCentre research demonstrates some stark and interesting facts about how a woman shops for herself following the arrival of a baby; listing purchasing criteria pre and post-baby and highlighting shifts in how a woman ‘defines and prioritises herself’. With time and money being at a premium, it’s no surprise to see the internet coming through as the busy millennial mum’s shopping channel of choice.
BabyCentre have published some really interesting stats in terms of millennial mums’ online habits. 66% of millennial mums started doing more shopping online once becoming pregnant and 83% are sharing their retail experiences online. Peer group influence is a really important consideration, with 82% of those surveyed more likely to favour recommendations from their social community when deciding what to buy. If millennial mums find a cause or a brand that they believe in, they won’t hesitate to share their experience with their peers on social media. Smart brands can take advantage of the vast network of consumers who are hugely influenced by this ‘word of mouth’ culture.
The development of social, native and display advertising formats and the targeting capabilities that these offer now allow brands to communicate meaningfully with millennial mums on the move during the moments that really matter (sorry for the mouthful of mmmm’s there) – such as when they are starting their family or moving house. Building loyalty and proving to this audience segment that your brand can offer what they need at the right moment in their life is dependent on a brand’s capability to engage, prove their relevancy and drive response online – getting through to this sought-after audience in their appy environment!