RZSS wanted to widen the audience visiting Edinburgh Zoo through the launch of the unique and innovative ‘Giant Lanterns of China’ event, in turn making new audiences aware of the Zoo’s wider offering.
The client’s key aim was to reach a series of key audiences for this new event across a variety of online and offline channels, with the ultimate objective of 65,000 event ticket sales for the first year.
We created an integrated campaign encompassing regional TV & outdoor media, augmented by highly targeted paid social and paid search – utilising the full suite of GoogleAds products.
Once we’d established the core audiences, we were able to employ sophisticated targeting methods including user interests, lookalike audiences & retargeting across all digital channels.
We then upweighted the offline activity around key holiday periods to reach both a key local audience and the significant influx of visitors to the capital city over the festive period.
Our Solution
This was one of the first opportunities to properly bring our fledgling Insights team to bear on a brief – to establish key target audiences, their media consumption habits and the most effective ways to reach them across the campaign life cycle.
Our supplier relationships came into their own throughout the course of the campaign where we were required to ‘amplify’ ongoing campaign activity during a traditionally very ‘noisy’ time in Edinburgh’s annual events calendar. Driving ticket sales in the final weeks of the event through a series of deftly-negotiated last-minute opportunities (across print, leaflet distribution, linear TV and VOD), ultimately helped push final ticket sales beyond the target figure.