We show our commitment to positive mental health
As employee wellbeing continues to rise on the employee agenda, it is apparent that our industry is not doing enough to address mental wellbeing. We know that having an effective mental health strategy will have a marked impact on commercial performance, through a reduction in sickness, a decline in presenteeism and improved staff turnover. Our aim is to retain our talent for the future and our approach to mental health will increase engagement making Space & Time a preferred choice for talented people.
To us, our employees are our best asset. So, what are we doing to support staff wellbeing?
Trickle-down effect
Essential to an effective mental health strategy is commitment from senior stakeholders to move towards a proactive and preventative company culture. We believe that a positive, supportive culture and working environment starts from senior stakeholders empowering all within the business to feel safe and confident to speak to someone if they are struggling.
Middle management
Line managers play a key role in the mental wellbeing and engagement of our staff. At Space & Time we have put in place a strong framework for good people management which rests on strong HR policies, clear communication between line managers and line reports, good management skills and ensuring staff are equipped with the necessary skills to meet the demands of their job. Educating staff on mental health reduces the stigma attached to it while providing the necessary skills to recognise symptoms and the confidence to address matters relating to mental health. Our line managers are trained to recognise the workplace triggers for stress and anxiety and empowered to help colleagues avoid them.
Start from the beginning
We implement an effective induction programme which gives starters a positive introduction to the business and a realistic expectation of their role; a clear understanding of their position within the wider setting and an outline of their function and its requirements.
Regular staff surveys
Evaluating health and wellbeing through staff surveys enables us to assess feedback and to track changes over time. The results yielded is the foundation for a health and wellbeing strategy that is aligned with the organisation’s key objectives.
As a company we are focussed on improving things for our staff, especially when it comes to mental health. Two weeks ago we announced we have signed up with See Me, the national programme to end mental health stigma and discrimination, to ensure we are doing the best we can when it comes to looking after the mental health of all our employees. If someone is struggling, we want to make sure that they feel safe and confident to tell someone, by tackling any stigma and discrimination that exists in the organisation.
See full article from our HR Business Partner Nicki Thornley’s on this topic in The Drum.